Safeguarding at The PGA

Safeguarding at The PGA

Learn more about how The PGA Safeguards golf.

Safegolf accredited

All of our members who are involved in regulated activity (defined as Teaching, Training or Supervising Children) must have a current criminal records check in place and a recognised safeguarding certificate. Each person is then recognised as an accredited SafeGolf coach, we publish updated lists every month and you can check the status here.

In 2022, The UK Government altered Section 22 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003, it now places coaches in a ‘position of trust’ and any coach having a sexual relationship with a child will commit an offence and be subject to the sanctions of criminal law. Similar legislation is already in place in Scotland and Ireland.

The Governance Department oversees all safeguarding concerns and all enquiries should be directed to

Safegolf accredited


Enhanced checks are carried out by The Disclosure and Barring Service. Members should submit their applications via The PGA by contacting Jo Burkinshaw who will provide details on how to apply.
Members who wish to access development funding from any Home Union must be on the SafeGolf accredited coaches register.

This process is similar to all other sports and provides The PGA with a recognised criteria for the checks.


Checks are carried out through Disclosure Scotland under the Protection of Vulnerable Groups (PVG) and are now administered by The PGA.

All Scottish Members coaching children must be registered on the PVG scheme and carry out a renewal check every three years. Please contact Jo Burkinshaw for details.


Access NI (NI) are administered by The PGA: Garda Vetting (ROI) are administered by Golf Ireland: Members applying for funding must have a vetting check and safeguarding course in place, which must be renewed every three years.


The procedures vary widely, however if you wish to work in the UK you may be required to produce a relevant check.

Individual countries’ procedures are available on request by contacting


Please remember that any certificate issued is confidential data and you should only share that information with The PGA. Please do not share your certificate with anyone else.

Safeguarding courses

The PGA recognise UK Coaching Safeguarding and Protecting Children courses. You can view renewal information at this link. Please send a copy certificate to and we will update your records.

If you have not completed a face to face course, you cannot undertake a refresher.
Face to Face online courses are available at these links:

England & Wales



Should you wish to speak with us, call 01675 470333 and ask to speak with Safeguarding.

Safeguarding courses


Our Partners

  • Air IT
  • Banyan Tree
  • The Belfry
  • Coca-Cola
  • FootJoy
  • Gleneagles
  • Nespresso
  • Nestlé
  • PING
  • Roam
  • Titleist