Information for PGA Members in China

Information for PGA Members in China

Covid-19 is already impacting the way people live their lives and this is likely to continue over the coming weeks and months. This article provides information for PGA Members in China.


Shanghai requires all overseas travellers to undergo NAT testing.

Shanghai ordered people arriving in the city from any country outside China to undergo nucleic acid testing (NAT) to screen for coronavirus starting this Monday, March 23, local authorities announced.

Source: GICexpat



Starting from 00:00 on March 21, all foreign Nationals (excluding Hong Kong, Macau, & Taiwan entering through the Guangdong Port will be given, and foreign expatriates who entered Guangdong via Hong Hong, Macau and Taiwan as well as other ports outside Guangdong within 14 days prior to their arrival in Guangdong, All foreign citizens and Chinese citizens will be treated equally. They will be placed in homes for 14 days  or be placed in isolation for medical observation. The cost of room and board for centralised medical observation is paid by the individual.


Hong Kong

Hong Kong bans all-non residents from entering the city as the number of confirmed corona virus cases increases.

Source: CNN    


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