Information for self-employed coaches in Germany

Information for self-employed coaches in Germany

Covid-19 is already impacting the way people live their lives and this is likely to continue over the coming weeks and months. This article provides information for self employed golf coaches in Germany.

We are now aware there are provisions available from the German state for self-employed persons toclaim financial relief for the next three months.

Click here to information posted by the Baden Wuerttemburg State in SW Germany.

It is presumed all of the other German states will have a similar provision (via their own websites) so it is worth checking your respective States website. 


There is the possibility for PGA coaches in Germany to apply for a loan in the event of liquidity shortages.

In addition to the salary of your employees, there is the possibility of short-time working. The employment agency would then take over 67 per cent of the salary and 100 per cent of the social security shares. To do this, you must submit an application for short-time working at the employment agency. 

Furthermore, income tax advance payments can be reduced due to the slump in income.

Also, if you have carried Coronavirus or you have been hospitalised and/or carried the disease, you may be entitled to compensation. If you suffer a loss of earnings as a result, even though you are not ill, you are generally entitled to compensation in money under Section 56 of the Infection Protection Act (IfSG).

Compensation is calculated after the loss of earnings. For the first six weeks, it is granted in the amount of the loss of earnings. From the beginning of the seventh week, it shall be granted in the amount of sickness benefit, provided the loss of earnings does not exceed the annual salary limit applicable to the statutory obligation to pay health insurance. For the calculation of loss of earnings, one twelfth of the income from the activity subject to compensation shall be used for the self-employed.

In the event of a risk to your livelihood, the additional expenses incurred during the absence of earnings may be reimbursed to you by the competent authority on request to an appropriate extent. If your business rests during the duration of a ban on activities or segregation, in addition to the above-mentioned compensation, you will receive, upon request, compensation from the competent authority for the uncovered operating expenses that continue during this period to an appropriate extent.

You can apply for compensation within three months of the cessation of the prohibited activity or the end of the segregation at the competent health office.  The application shall be enclosed by a certificate from the tax office of the amount of the last income of labour shown at the tax office.


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