PGA Statement on re-opening of Retail

PGA Statement on re-opening of Retail

The UK Government (May 25) has set out their timeline for retail to reopen in June. This announcement means pro-shops in England can re-open for retail services from the June 15.

This news confirmed, ‘All other non-essential retail including shops selling clothes, shoes, toys, furniture, books, and electronics, plus tailors, auction houses, photography studios, and indoor markets, will be expected to be able to reopen from 15 June if the Government’s five tests are met and they follow the COVID-19 secure guidelines, giving them three weeks to prepare.’

In addition, the Government have confirmed that only businesses that have completed a risk assessment, in consultation with trade union representatives and who are confident they are managing the risks, can open.

The full statement can be read here.

Information on the Governments five tests can be found here.

The Government has also taken action to help businesses re-open and protect their staff and customers with the publishing of COVID-secure guidelines, following consultation with the Health and Safety Executive.

Their two documents can be found below:

This information allows PGA Members in England to take the necessary steps to prepare their pro-shop for re-opening. The published industry guidelines remain available and a key reference point when planning for your facility.

In this planning, our advice remains unchanged, where there is room for doubt the safest option should be pursued.


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