Course Booking Terms and Conditions

Please read the terms and conditions published before making a booking.

Terms and conditions of bookings and payments

  • Bookings can be made either by telephone or email.
  • Places are limited and bookings will be dealt with on a first come first served basis.
  • Courses must be paid for at the time of booking.

Course Confirmation

  • Confirmation of your booking will be sent by email within 2 days.
  • Further details of the course(s) and venue(s) will be sent out 14 days prior to the event. If you have not received such confirmation 14 days prior to the event, you should contact the Member Education Department at
  • If you need to book flights/accommodation to attend the course, please contact the Member Education Department prior to making your travel arrangements to gain confirmation that the course is taking place.

Course Price

  • All prices can be found via the Director of Golf webpage for each event. Prices may be subject to change. Please ensure that you quote your membership number when booking.
  • Prices include all course materials (if applicable), lunch and refreshments unless otherwise stated (lunch not included for half day courses).
  • Accommodation is not included within the cost of any CPD courses, and the PGA cannot book accommodation on Member's behalf.


By the PGA

  • The PGA reserves the right to cancel a course at any time. If a course is cancelled due to insufficient bookings, all delegates will be advised of the cancellation no later than 1 week prior to the event.
  • Delegates will be offered a full refund or transfer onto an alternative course of the same value.
  • The PGA disclaims any responsibility for costs incurred by delegates due to the cancellation of travel or accommodation arrangements.

By the Delegate
All cancellations by delegates should be advised to the Member Education Department by email to

There is a charge which varies depending on when the written notice is received prior to the course.

  • Up to 20 working days before the event – no charge.
  • 15 – 19 working days before the event – no charge
  • 10 – 14 working days before the event - 30% charge.
  • 9 working days or less before the event – No refund will be given.
  • Failure to attend on the day - No refund will be given.

A refund may be made in exceptional circumstances. In such cases an application must be made in writing to the PGA, accompanied by appropriate evidence such as a doctor’s note, proof of flight cancellation, etc.

All refunds will be made within 10 days of receipt of confirmation of cancellation, using the original card details.


  • Transfer requests must be made in writing and will only be accepted up to 10 working days prior to the course.
  • 9 working days or less transfers will be treated as a late cancellation or nonattendance so the member will need to pay the full price of the course again.
  • For transfers to courses of a higher value, any difference must be paid in full at the time of writing.

General Terms and Conditions


  • Views expressed by the speakers are their own. The PGA disclaim any liability for advice given or views expressed by any speaker at these events, or in any notes or documentation provided by them.

Dress Code

  • The dress code for all courses, unless otherwise advised, is smart/casual (no jeans/t-shirts).

Change of Terms

  • Although the information contained in this supplement, to the best of our knowledge, is correct at the time of going to press, it may be necessary, for reasons beyond our control, to make changes to the programme. In the event of a course being cancelled, we will make a full refund but hereby disclaim any further liability.


Our Partners

  • Air IT
  • Banyan Tree
  • The Belfry
  • Coca-Cola
  • EVC
  • FootJoy
  • Gleneagles
  • PING
  • St. James's Place
  • Titleist