Boost your PGA Play profile with the introduction of extra enhancements

Boost your PGA Play profile with the introduction of extra enhancements


A number of new key features have been introduced to enhance the profile of Members on PGA Play and increase their reach to thousands of potential customers using the new digital platform to book a golf lesson.

The PGA’s new digital platform was launched in the summer and connects PGA Members to people wanting golf lessons.

The platform, which has included a substantial amount of investment from The PGA, enables golfers to locate and connect with their nearest PGA Professional, and is also packed full of instruction and golf-related content.

Since its launch at the beginning of August 2022, PGA Play has attracted more than 11,000 people to its website, which has led to almost 1,000 lesson enquiries for PGA Professionals who have created a FREE online profile.

CLICK HERE to find out to create/improve your FREE PGA Play profile.

Google stats show that on average there are 45,000 searches for golf lessons each month in the UK. This data demonstrates a high demand for lessons and highlights a big opportunity for PGA Members.

These visitors have come to the website through a dedicated digital marketing campaign, which aims to put PGA Play at the top of Google search lists for golf lessons and related searches on golf instruction.

CLICK HERE to find out more about PGA Play.

It helps me connect with new golfers and people outside of my current reach. In particular, those that may want to contact via message first rather than phone.

- Anthony Chaloner - PGA Professional


As part of the next phase of the PGA Play project, a number of exciting new features have been added to the site to improve the look and feel of PGA Member profiles.

Lesson pricing is a key selling point for golfers wanting to book a lesson through PGA Play and now you can provide potential customers with your very own personal pricing. You can now include up to four lines of information about your lesson pricing and/or packages, including extra information about custom fitting and retail services.

You can also provide extra information on your profile by adding your address and telephone number, and you can choose to include how many years you have been a qualified PGA Professional (see below).

Another neat feature for those PGA Members who have supplied written or video content for the PGA Play platform is ability to contribute that piece of content to your profile.


Creating a PGA Play profile takes a few minutes and will open up a new online revenue stream for PGA Members. Best of all, it’s entirely FREE for you to sign up.

Simply visit the ‘PGA Play profile page' in the Members’ area of Follow the on-screen instructions to enter/update your details, including information about your qualifications and specialisms. Upload a suitable image/video to boost your profile and submit your details.

Choosing a professional profile image will make you stand out from the crowd, a personal biography will boost your profile and an impactful statement leaves a good impression.

CLICK HERE to find out more about PGA Play and how to improve your profile.


Anthony Chaloner has been reaping the rewards of PGA Play after creating his free profile in the summer. “I have noticed since August the enquiries have started to appear,” said Chaloner, a self-employed PGA Professional based in Abergavenny, South Wales. “I have been nicely surprised by the traction my PGA Play profile has got.

Asked why he created his free PGA Play profile, Chaloner continued: “To promote my coaching and services that I offer. I had noticed a couple of similar platforms, but PGA Play makes the most sense. For example, when you type in a search engine for ‘golf lessons’ and PGA Play ranks top of the list.

“It helps me connect with new golfers and people outside of my current reach. In particular, those that may want to contact via message first rather than phone. The text message and e-mail notification ensures you don’t miss a lead. Even if they don’t book straight away, a quick phone call or message can create a contact for the future.”

In a direct message for other PGA Professionals to create their profile, Chaloner added: “It’s easy to do, if you pick up one lesson it’s worth it and takes very little time to get going.”


As well as creating your PGA Play profile, PGA Members are encouraged to share and showcase your instructional content through PGA Play.

The platform hosts a wide-range of instruction and golf-relating content, making PGA Play the ‘go-to’ platform for coaching and instruction, while confirming The PGA as the authoritative voice on golf instruction.

For example, when people search for golf specific content, such as ‘why have a golf lesson’, articles from PGA Play will start to appear.

As well as providing valuable information about golf and how to get into the game, hosting this type of content also reinforces the message that The PGA and its new PGA Play platform is the place to go for golf coaching.

Whether it is a coaching video, an article providing tips or photos of you coaching, we want to promote your content on the new platform.

If you are interested in submitting videos, articles or images to PGA Play, please do so by emailing


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