Do you charge a fee for your services?
We don’t charge a fee, but instead agree a percentage of identified savings as our operating rebate with our clients, so that extra resource comes at no cost.
How can a PGA Member/club get started?
It’s very simple CLICK HERE to register your club’s interest for a free cost consultation.
Case study:
Peter Banks (pictured)
Managing Director at Rudding Park, North Yorkshire
“At Rudding Park, prior to working with Entegra we used to send out a stock list at the beginning of each month to our three preferred suppliers in each principal food area (Meat, Fruit and Fish). We would ask them to quote for the month on these items. We would then choose the cheapest. Entegra now does this for us, and ensures that we are getting the best prices for the best product.
“We also had no visibility on market movements so our menu design was “blindfold”. Now we can alter menus in the light of the market knowledge that Entegra supply, therefore manipulating our menus to ensure the most profitable outcome.
“All of our Entegra consultants are ex-chefs (and very good ones). This means that they fundamentally understand all of the processes in a kitchen and talk ‘chefs’ language’. This means that the chefs respect what they have to say, from one person who wears whites to another, rather than a manager in a suit like me.
PGA Member benefits:
- Free bespoke consultation on your club’s purchasing
- Industry-specific savings solutions
- Data and digital tools
- Advice on ethical procurement practices