Getting the taste for golf


0708Warwickshire Aaron Lansberry

Warwickshire PGA pros are giving would-be golfers in the county an ideal chance to start playing - in just five easy steps.

Clubs throughout the county are backing a new campaign aimed at helping more beginners take up the game.

Get into Golf is a project that offers high quality coaching for newcomers to the sport at a bargain price and without the need to make an immediate investment in golf equipment.

Among the many pros dispensing expert advice is Aaron Lansberry (pictured above) of Tidbury Golf Centre while Edgbaston Golf Club and The Warwickshire are also hosting a number of sessions.

Many of the taster sessions are either free or at a nominal price with free use of equipment.

PGA pros in the county are part of the Warwickshire County Golf Partnership which is aiming to grow and promote the game.

To see what is available in Warwickshire follow the link here and click on the map of the county.

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