Latest Update - COVID-19 restrictions in Scotland

Latest Update - COVID-19 restrictions in Scotland


Following yesterday's announcement from the Scottish Government, we are now in a position to update Members on the relevant new guidance.

Guidance previously allowed golfers to travel up to five miles outside their local authority area to take part in informal exercise using household rules.

Yesterday’s announcement to allow organised sport will allow four-ball play with no restrictions on the number of households; however, this is only applicable to members who live within the golf club’s local authority area.

Where golfers are required to travel up to five miles across a local authority boundary, players will be required to adhere to informal exercise guidance which is subject to household limits of four players from two households.

The key changes affecting PGA Members in Scotland from Friday March 12 are:

  • Golf courses with a designated COVID officer can remain open for play with a maximum of four players and no restrictions on the number of households who live within the same local authority area as the club.
  • Golf courses without a designated COVID Officer, or where members are crossing a local authority boundary to play, can remain open for play with a maximum of four players from two households.
  • For groups over the age of 12, coaching should not exceed group sizes of 15.
  • For groups under the age of 12, coaching should not exceed group sizes of 30.

We anticipate further guidance from our partners at sportscotland and the Scottish Government relating to children and young people. We will communicate these updates to all clubs as soon as possible.

We also look forward to a more substantive update from the First Minister next week relating to the return to a protection levels approach. That update is likely to include more details for clubhouses, retail and travel and will again be subject to the same sign-off process as outlined above.

CLICK HERE to view the updated COVID-19 Local Protection Levels Guidance for Scotland.

As always, our team is on-hand to offer support and guidance with any of the latest restrictions and measures so please do not hesitate to get in touch via The PGA's dedicated COVID-19 Helpline.

Please continue to visit the COVID-19 Resource Hub on our website for the latest information and guidance.


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