Patrons of Hampshire Golf celebrate 50 years with addition of disability Pro-Am

Patrons of Hampshire Golf celebrate 50 years with addition of disability Pro-Am


The Patrons of Hampshire Golf celebrated their 50th anniversary last year, an initiative that was founded by Association Secretary Jack Wells, along with two of his golfing friends and longtime sponsors, Mike Lawson and Eddie Bryant.

The goal was to create playing opportunities for young PGA Professionals and Trainees in the county—morals of which still stand firm today.

The Patrons were all amateur golfers and sponsorship for PGA in Hampshire tournaments was achieved by fundraising golf events, ball sweeps and subscriptions.

In more recent years, Harry Spooner, a Member at Corhampton Golf Club and his colleague Allan Deuchar have headed and organised the Patrons support for young Pros in the county.

Harry sadly passed away in 2022 and the reigns have now been picked up by PGA Hampshire President, Malcolm Scott (right), who retired after a 40-year career as Head Professional at Alresford Golf Club.

He reflects on the history of the Patrons, acknowledging the contributions of those who have come before him, while also expressing gratitude for the strong support he’s received from his fellow PGA Hampshire members.

“As the Patrons celebrate their 50 years I feel privileged to step into the shoes of good past motivating volunteers,” he said.

“I have been delighted with the response shown from my fellow PGA Hampshire members which enables us to continue, not only, our support for young golfers in the county, but moving forward, to work alongside golfing based charities.”

Malcolm introduced the idea to all of his PGA Hampshire colleagues that they could give back to golf where many had started, including multiple sponsorships and support for the Patrons. The idea has proved a huge success, with 33 senior PGA Members, some still active, are Hampshire PGA Patrons, combined with an increase of 45 new amateur Patrons.

Patron sponsored events include the Young Professional Championship, the Trainees Championship, Trainee Order of Merit and complimentary entries to Pro-Am events.

The County PGA’s previous President, David Harrison OBE was County Junior Golf Delegate in 1977 and he introduced a unique Pro-Am event to the calendar. The PGA competitor would be an Assistant Professional with an amateur team made up of three of his/her club juniors. This is still a successful event in the Hampshire calendar.

2024 saw another first for the Patrons, a Pro-Am to include a player from the Golfers with Disabilities Society (GDS). The event was first created by Trainee, Stanley Garland, who currently coaches Glenn Jackson, a member of GDS.

This event was organised by PGA Hampshire Secretary, Sheena Nicholson and took place at Cams Hall GC on 22nd October. The format was a Texas Scramble with 16 teams taking part combining a PGA Patron or County trainee, two amateur Patrons and a member of the GDS.

Conditions on the day were tough, playing long and with the ground heavy under foot. The winning team though, from the back tees, headed by PGA Master Professional Peter Dawson shot a gross 60, 11-under par.

£235 was raised for the Golfers with Disabilities Society but by far the winner was
the respect and admiration of ball striking that was admired by the abled golfers.


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