Submit your 2020/21 CPD - time is running out

Submit your 2020/21 CPD - time is running out


The deadline for all PGA Members to complete and submit their 2020/21 CPD journals via PGA Learn is fast approaching.

Mark Skinner, Head of Business and Management Department at The PGA, explains the importance of submitting your 2020-21 CPD journal by the 31st, October 2021 deadline.

CLICK HERE to learn how to complete and submit your 2020/21 CPD journal or learn more about The PGA CPD system.

A new CPD era

In December 2020, The PGA’s CPD system went through its most significant transformation. PGA Learn, a new digital learning platform, was launched as part of the Association’s 2020 Vision initiative, allowing Members to access a wide variety of learning resources 24/7 and giving them the flexibility to submit CPD activity in their own time.

The updated system is designed to provide you with more control over your CPD, while giving you greater ownership of your development. It encourages Members to carry out a greater and wider variety of learning and development, which is quick and easy to complete.

‘AA’ and CPD points are no more

PGA Learn uses ‘Accredited’ to differentiate between Members who have gained the higher level CPD status from those Members who have not. Only those of you who have met The PGA’s CPD standards are able to identify themselves as Accredited for the CPD year. The CPD system now uses hours and standards, rather than CPD points.


Control your CPD record

The My CPD tool within PGA Learn allows you to take complete control and ownership of your CPD record. You decide what is valid and relevant CPD and how much time you would like to allocate to it.

The PGA takes a broad view of what constitutes professional development and does not prescribe a particular set of activities. Any activity from which you learn or develop professionally could be considered valid CPD, though you should ensure that all activities are relevant to you and your role. This means, work-based learning, such as learning on the job and informal learning, such as watching a webinar or listening to a podcast, can all be logged on your CPD record.

CLICK HERE to learn how to complete and submit your 2020/21 CPD journal or learn more about The PGA CPD system.

Submitting annually

Submitting your CPD Journal annually via PGA Learn will ensure your CPD records are complete, up-to-date, and reflect the personal development you have done over the last year.

Gain or regain Accredited Status quicker than before

You do not have to wait for an annual regrade to gain Accredited status. If you are eligible, once you submit your CPD journal for the current year, you will gain your CPD status within 24 hours and the PGA Learn Team will send you your certificate for the year.

If you currently hold Accredited Status but do not submit a 2020/21 journal by the deadline, you will lose it on 1st November 2021. However, you will be able to regain your status immediately by meeting the minimum learning hours for the 2021/22 CPD year and submitting your CPD journal.

Submission deadline

The submission deadline for 2020-21 CPD journals is 31st, October 2021. This is relevant to all, whether you are eligible for Accredited Status or not. The My CPD tool within PGA Learn enables you to capture and store all the CPD you do and print it off in a professional, PGA branded document. Once the deadline has passed, all CPD journals will automatically lock for this period and further entries will not be possible.

Need some help?

The PGA Learn team are offering 20-minute online one-to-one appointments throughout October to help Members record and submit their CPD journals. Go to the Events tile on PGA Learn to book your appointment.

PGA Learn also offers a collection of how-to guides and courses focused on the new CPD system and My CPD. You can also call 01675 624783 or email for further support.

If you would like to find out more about PGA Learn, CLICK HERE to access our FAQ page.

CLICK HERE to learn how to complete and submit your 2020/21 CPD journal or learn more about The PGA CPD system.

CLICK HERE to find out more about formal and informal CPD learning activity.


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