Tour Tempo Europe® keen to educated PGA Professionals in Great Britain on the secret of tempo, writes Jeroen Meijerink.
Tiger Woods, Greg Norman, Ben Hogan...What secret do they all share? Well, they all have the same swing tempo or, as it can be referred, Tour Tempo.
A golf swing has its optimal tempo. The best ratio between elapsed time for the backswing versus the downswing. A discovery made by golf-inventor John Novosel Sr. after analysing numerous swing videos of all golfers from champions to amateurs. He found that champions/winners continually turned out to have this constant swing tempo.
Two prominent physicists, Professor Robert Grober and Jacek Cholewicki of the Department of Physics and Biomechanics at Yale University, validated the Tour Tempo Data and results in 2006 (and again in 2009).
They tested various golfers from amateurs to tour professionals in cooperation with David Leadbetter under lab-conditions. The results showed that correct imitation of Tour Tempo made golfers of all abilities improve through making better contact and improving swing consistency, a ready measurement for lower scores and more pleasure on the course.
How you ask? You will learn this on the 1-day seminar but to summarise, you will learn to measure tempo, analyse tempo, and correct tempo utilising the “learning by audio” principle.
This course is delivered by Jeroen Meijerink and Jean Maurice van Ham. To learn more about and to register your interest, click here.