The PGA wants to be at the heart of the game and you can help spread the word
In recent months you will have read, watched and listened to a lot of different things about the very significant changes to our membership structure and why it’s important to you as Members.
As you hopefully know by now, The PGA’s 2020 Vision initiative recognises that golf is changing and reflects the evolving role of both Members and the Association itself, offering increased specialisation for PGA Professionals plus group membership opportunities for all who work or volunteer in golf through the creation of the Business Management Group and Club Volunteer by PGA.
Now we need your help to share this vision with the people you work with.
What are we asking you to do?
Simply share the PGA Member referral infographic (link below) with your colleagues and any volunteer members. It contains information about the many benefits to them of joining BMG or Club Volunteer and becoming aligned to The PGA.
CLICK HERE to view the PGA Members document.
Why are we asking you to do this?
Why is this important for you?
Members of a Membership Group but NOT PGA Members
What next?
Simply share the PGA Member referral infographic with anybody you think could benefit from joining, whether it’s the Secretary, General Manager, Chairman, Junior Organiser or any volunteers that sit on a committee or working group.
The document contains information on the two groups, links to find out more and details of a dedicated contact at The PGA – Kristian Wright - who is on hand to answer any questions they might have.
Get in touch with Kristian by email Kristian.wright@pga.org.uk or call 07500 104961.